
Change of Scenery: In 2022, I changed both locations & professions. Lots of changes but this is what keeps me going! Beginning 2023,  I joined LabWare Germany as a consultant for LIMS & ELN combining my expertise in laboratory processes with my computational & communication skills. July 2023

Outreach project "I am a scientist".  The last 14 days, I had the pleasure to participate in the German outreach initiative "I am a scientist" to chat with students from different schools and answer question about my science and my life as a scientist. Even though it meant getting up at 5:30 am - it was totally worth it! It also reminds me to add a section here in German to make this webpage more inclusive.  February 2022

The magic words: your article has been accepted! So happy the effort finally paid off and I can share my research in eLife soon! February 2022

You win some, you lose some. After some weeks, the reviews came back with one reviewer insisting on additional data to support our ephys signal analysis. Not the outcome I have hoped for - but I will make it through revision round 3. Stay tuned! 
On the bright side: my poster abstract got accepted at Cosyne 2022 - see you in Portugal!  February  2022 

New year, new manuscript version. Turns out reviewer #2 is a tough cookie. Resubmitted next round of revision with minor edits and hoping for a fast turn around now. January 2022  

Manuscript resubmitted to eLife. After a fair & constructive first round of reviews, we resubmitted the revised manuscript to eLife - finger's crossed. We now include new data showing that DG - CA3 FFI plays a role in hippocampal - cortical communication using ripple - spindle coupling as read out. 
November, 2021